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Pharmaceutical Industries

  • Pharmaceutical Industries
  • Pharmaceutical Industries
  • Pharmaceutical Industries
  • Pharmaceutical Industries
  • Pharmaceutical Industries
  • Pharmaceutical Industries
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Pharmaceutical Industries

India now is one of the leading countries engaged in manufacturing and exporting of drugs.

The health awareness in India is also growing resulting in to increased use of medicines.

Highest standards in production are essential. This is possible only under "Total Quality Management" programme.

It may be of academic interest to know that Rodents possess a single pair of chisel-like incisors teeth that grow continuously throughout their lives. These incisors are kept filed and sharp primarily by the rodents grinding the incisors against one another, and secondarily by the rodents constantly gnawing on various objects.

Because of their habit of gnawing and burrowing they damage doors, floors, ceilings. They also gnaw on various utility pipes and electrical wiring, which results in explosions, indoor flooding, fires, equipment malfunctions, and power failures.

In today’s high-tech production facilities, rodents are capable of abruptly causing huge production loss due to shut downs of complex computer systems when they gnaw, nest,or excrete wastes inside computers and other highly sensitive equipment.

In the absence of competent G I P & RODENT MANAGEMENT services and SURFACE DISINFECTANT TREATMENTS,” Total Quality Management” is doubtful.